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Olympia's Temple Beth Hatfiloh is a Sanctuary Congregation


On September 5, 2019, Olympia's Temple Beth Hatfiloh welcomed an immigrant family into Sanctuary. Our guests are currently living at TBH where they are supported by over a hundred volunteers who check in with them on a daily basis and provide for their needs.

In committing to Sanctuary, TBH joins over 1100 faith communities nationwide who have joined the movement for immigrant justice. Calling Sanctuary an "urgent and morally necessary action" and a "demonstration of Jewish values and remembrance of Jewish history," Rabbi Seth Goldstein stated, "the synagogue will offer an alternative story to the policies and practices of deportation and family separation of hard-working and family-oriented immigrants."

Speaking to supporters and the media, Rabbi Seth Goldstein announces Sanctuary at Temple Beth Hatfiloh, September 5, 2019

The decision to become a sanctuary congregation was made a year earlier, after prolonged deliberation with other immigrant rights groups, including 16 local communities of faith and the Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance. Beginning as a working group of faith communities and allies within Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance, the group ultimately developed its own identity as the Greater South Sound Faith Network for Immigrant and Refugee Support. The Network tracked movements for Sanctuary in other parts of the country and received advice and guidance from the Church Council of Greater Seattle, Washington Immigration Solidarity Network, T'ruah and HIAS. TBH members of the Network also formed an Immigration and Refugee Task Force which worked closely with their governing board and congregation to develop broad support for Sanctuary.

Find more information about the Greater South Sound Faith Network for Immigrant and Refugee Support here.

Find information about the Temple Beth Hatfiloh Immigration and Refugee Task Force here.

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